Vape pens have quickly risen in popularity over the past few years. And for good reason. Many people are making the switch over to vapes because of their versatility and portability. Some use vapes as e-cigarettes, others use them for smoking weed or CBD.

Lots of cannabis stores and dispensaries sell a wide variety of vape pens, as they might become an even more popular way of consuming cannabis in the near future. While some use vapes simply for the unique high it gives them, others look to vapes as an addition to their wellness regime.

If you are considering switching up your approach to getting high, here are some things you should know about CBD or THC vape pens. Before we get into all the details, it’s important to first understand how vape pens work.


How Vape Pens Work

Weed vape pens heat up cannabis, turning the CBD and THC into a vapor that can be smoked. This allows you to access cannabis more easily, delivering all of the cannabinoids faster to your system.

Usually, a reusable vape pen has a battery and a cartridge, which needs to be replaced once all the CBD or THC oil has evaporated inside. As for batteries, there’s a variety of vapes with limited or longer battery life that you have the ability to recharge. When you take gummies, edibles, or tinctures, the substance needs to pass through the digestive system, which means it will take a while for results to manifest. Because vape pens are fast-acting, there’s less room for dosing errors.


Why Vape Pens Are a Great Alternative to Smoking

There are a few reasons people prefer vaping cannabis rather than smoking it or taking an edible. For some, it comes down to the ease of vaping while others simply enjoy the high it gives them more. If you’re on the fence about trying weed vape pens, here are a few reasons why you should give it a go.


1) Say Goodbye to THAT Smell

Yes, you know what smell we are talking about. Even those who don’t use cannabis are familiar with it. While many don’t mind it as much, others can’t stand even the slightest whiff. Unlike the conventional joint, vape pens give off an aromatic smell that isn’t harsh on the nostrils and doesn’t linger in the air.

If you’re using cannabis in close proximity to others or like to take those 5-minute work breaks to get a few puffs in, there is no worry about carrying that strong stench around with you. Nothing beats a courteous cannabis user!


2) Skip the Rolling

While a good joint can hit the spot, it can still be a dreaded task to roll. For experienced cannabis users, rolling may come with ease, but it can be tedious. What if you forget rolling paper at home? For new cannabis users, however, it may take a few tries to nail down the perfect joint.

While preparing a vape still requires some effort, it’s significantly easier than rolling. Here’s what you need to do:

How to Pack a Weed Vaporizer:

1. Have your concentrate of choice ready (e-liquid, CDB oil, THC oil, etc.)
2. Pack your concentrate into the chamber (best to use a dabber to preserve the quality).
3. Press the ‘on’ button on your device, wait a minute for the device to heat up, and begin
taking puffs.


3) Great for That On-The-Go High

The world is becoming increasingly fast-paced and that means we are doing a lot on-the-go. Vape pens are a great option because of their portability and ease of use.

Portable vape pens work as long as the battery is charged, nothing else to it. To use your vape device, all you have to do is press the ‘on’ button. Making it a perfect choice for those who live that on-the-go lifestyle.

4) Save Your Hard Earned Money

Did you know that vaping can actually save you money in the long run? A lot of people are hesitant due to the upfront cost of a vape pen. While a good quality vape does require a small investment, the long-term costs are minuscule when compared to smoking regular joints. Disposables are also a great cost-efficient option and can give a user up to 200 puffs.

On average, vaping can cost $387 to $5,032 a year, while smoking will set you back a minimum of $2,087 dollars a year. While vaping can hit a high point (mainly for hardcore users or those with multiple vaping devices), it’s still 92% cheaper than smoking. With all the money you save, you could buy some pretty dope concentrates from Your Local Cannabis, just saying.

5) Safer Than Smoking

We all have heard about the dangers of smoking, so it only makes sense that some users are looking for alternatives. If you’re not entirely comfortable with smoking a joint and hate waiting hours for your edible to kick in, vaping is a happy medium.

How to Choose the Best Weed Vape Pen

For You, there are many types of weed pens. It’s hard to pinpoint the best choice for you, as it all depends on your needs and wants.

Most often users have to choose between a disposable weed pen and a rechargeable one. Refillable vape pens, which are better for the environment and your wallet in the long run, come with a battery that fits most cartridges on the market. Once you’re done with your cartridge, all you have to do is replace it with a newer one and you’re all good to go. You can also choose to buy a disposable weed pen, as it won’t break the bank and will allow you to try one out before you fully commit. This type of vape does not require charging or batteries to operate, making them a good option for those who tend to live life in a bit of a rush
(no judgment here).

Each disposable vape is good for approximately 100 to 200 puffs. Just keep in mind that some weed pen brands don’t carry disposable variants, so you might have a limited choice.


Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Vape Pen

It’s important to consider all the pros and cons when it comes to choosing the best vape pen for your needs. Here are a few things to consider when it comes time to make that purchase.


Do You Want Convenience?

If you want ease and convenience above all, try gummies first. Edibles are popular among cannabis users because they provide an easy way to track your daily dose accurately. They are also easy to ingest, although their effects take a while to manifest.


Do You Prefer Fast-Acting Substances?

Meanwhile, if you want to feel the effects quickly, weed vape pens could be better for you. When you consume cannabis by vaping, the substance enters the bloodstream quickly because it goes straight to the alveoli in the lungs. You could also explore other options like sublingual or topical application.

Vape On

Vape pens are a popular and relatively modern way to experience cannabis. There are a lot of things to consider when buying a vape pen – experience, accessibility, budget, preferred aromatics, and taste. Properly researching these choices and understanding your lifestyle will
help you find the best way to consume cannabis.

Vape in style with top-shelf products from Your Local Cannabis. We are a family-run,
independently owned Scarborough dispensary with products grown right here in the Greater Toronto Area. Browse our shop today!