!Everyone knows and loves the iconic gummy gear. So when these colourful little treats got a THC boost, they became a whole lot more tempting. 

Gummies can be a tasty and discreet way of ingesting THC. There are a lot of reasons to love them, and why they’re a great alternative to other forms of THC, so let’s explore some of our favourite reasons below.  

Why Should I Choose THC Gummies Over Other THC Products?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of the cannabinoids found in cannabis and is the principal compound producing the “high” that so many people enjoy. There are a number of ways to use cannabis, the most common being smoking, vaping, dabbing, and of course, edibles.

But aside from all the different effects that THC has on your body, why should you specifically choose THC gummies?

THC Gummies Are Tasty

THC has an earthy taste that can be unappealing to some. But if you’re not fond of the hemp taste, consider taking a couple of gummies instead. 

Gummies are available in a variety of flavours like blueberry, cherry, and watermelon, which can make your cannabis experience easy and enjoyable. You could try our passionfruit mango super CBD soft chews, which mix a sweet blend of passion fruit and mango flavour. Soft chews are also a great way to introduce beginners to the THC and cannabis world too.

THC Gummies Are Legal

Cannabis edibles have been legal in Canada since October of 2019. This means that THC gummies are perfectly fine to purchase and consume if you’re over the age of 19! 

Just make sure that you are taking them in the safety of your own home and not indulging while you’re at work. That is still very much illegal.

They’re Super Convenient!

Smoking or vaping THC can yield its effects very quickly, however inhaling THC produces smoke and that synonymous smell that accompanies cannabis. Smoking can have it’s downside too, as there are associated health risks that come with chemicals produced in vapour,  including vitamin E acetate and tar.

To take THC more discreetly and in a healthier way, consider opting for THC gummies. This way, you can still get the benefits of the THC while enjoying a sweet treat. It’s a win-win. 

They also come in a convenient zipper-sealed package, making them easy to carry and store.

THC Gummies Are Easy To Dose

Taking THC through sprays or drops can be difficult to figure out the exact dosage. 

To make THC dosing easier, consider THC gummies since they come pre-dosed. You can easily adjust dosage according to your needs and desired strength. 

One day, you may feel like a single gummy is enough, while on another day, you might want a few more!

They Can Be Used To Boost Your Mood

Having trouble getting out of a funk? THC gummies may be able to help lift the occasional low mood.

Research suggests that cannabis can aid those suffering from depression by restoring normal endocannabinoid function and mood stability. So gummies may be an alternative to help finding temporary relief from feelings of anxiety and seasonal affective disorder.   

Trouble Sleeping? 

THC may be something to consider if you have trouble sleeping. Taking gummies after a long day may help you relax and ease the body into a state of slumber. 

However, while THC gummies are a great way to help you fall asleep, they should not be relied on as the only thing that will work. Gummies are a way to incorporate a natural supplement to your sleep routine. 

THC Gummies Could Boost Your Creativity

Cannabis can get the creative juices flowing. It’s been known to help spark creativity for individuals where idea generation doesn’t come naturally. Or, for some creatives and artists, it allows for better connectivity between different parts of the brain.  

This can impact cognitive functioning, increase insightfulness and originality of thoughts and concepts. Just something to keep in mind next time you’re looking for inspiration to strike.

THC Gummies Last Longer

The effects of THC gummies are slower and longer-lasting than smoking cannabis. This is because your body has to digest them first. 

It’s always smart to start slow and see how your body tolerates it. Don’t be tempted to pop more of those colorful little gummies though. You don’t want to end up taking more than you can handle. 

It’s a Fun Way to Socialize With Friends 

THC gummies can be fun to enjoy with friends. Because they’re discreet, odorless and easy to take, they can make a great addition when you take them responsibly with others. 

They can add to the mix of a chill evening and casual conversation, or bringing in full belly laughs at your next party.


THC Gummies are fun, tasty, legal, and easy to dose. They even have the potential to yield effects that can give you comfort and improve your overall quality of life. If you want to try THC but only want to do so discreetly, gummies may be the best method of delivery. 

Just keep in mind when you’re buying, choose the best quality THC gummies by purchasing at a reputable store like ours.

Check out the best THC gummies from Your Local Cannabis. Our gummies are tasty, and they come in fruity flavours, including blueberry, cherry, and watermelon. Order now!